The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution™ By Shelly Manning The information provided in this write-up about The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution, a guide, helps in motivating people to get rid of the chronic problems on their kidneys without using any harmful methods. It eliminates your kidney problem by focusing on the poor health of your gut and inflammation.
What are the different modalities of dialysis?
There are two primary modalities of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Here’s an overview of each:
- Hemodialysis:
- Process: Blood is filtered outside the body using a machine called a dialyzer. Blood is removed through a needle inserted into a vein, filtered to remove waste, excess fluids, and toxins, then returned to the body.
- Frequency: Typically performed three times a week, each session lasting 3–5 hours.
- Types of access:
- Arteriovenous (AV) fistula: A direct connection between an artery and vein, usually in the arm, offering the best long-term access.
- Arteriovenous (AV) graft: A synthetic tube connects an artery and vein when veins are not suitable for a fistula.
- Central venous catheter (CVC): A tube inserted into a large vein, often used temporarily or in emergency situations.
- Peritoneal Dialysis:
- Process: Uses the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) as a natural filter. A dialysis solution is introduced into the abdomen through a catheter, allowing waste and excess fluids to diffuse into the solution. The solution is then drained out after a set time.
- Frequency: Can be done multiple times a day or continuously, depending on the specific type of peritoneal dialysis.
- Types:
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD): A manual process done throughout the day, with the patient draining and refilling the abdomen multiple times.
- Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD): A machine automates the fluid exchange process, typically done overnight while the patient sleeps.
Each modality has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on factors like kidney function, patient lifestyle, and preferences.
The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution™ By Shelly Manning The information provided in this write-up about The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution, a guide, helps in motivating people to get rid of the chronic problems on their kidneys without using any harmful methods. It eliminates your kidney problem by focusing on the poor health of your gut and inflammation.